Thursday 1 February 2018

Low-carb January - IS OVER

Hi readers,

It’s OVER!! As I write, it’s the 1st February and I’m officially done with low-carb January – hurrayyyyyyy! We’re through with January! Really, it’s such a relief to have made it and be writing this today. Didn’t it feel as though January was never going to end??

But we’re here, we’ve made it. High five to everyone who’s been paid! Who’s survived a month vegan! Or sober! Or anything other personal challenge you set yourself this January – high five for making it to the end. You WARRIOR.

In the spirit of a sort of diet round-up, summarising the whole low-carb January experience, I’ve tried to write down my immediate thoughts and feelings as the month’s come to an end. Hopefully, this review might inform and/or inspire anyone out there who’s considering taking up a low-carb diet.

Ten reasons I’m glad I did low-carb January, and would recommend it:

1.     It was a challenge – and I like a challenge! Without breaking me as a human being (a la Veganuary / Dry January), I have battled to stay on board with low-carb eating and not to fall off the wagon at the first whiff of toast

2.     It was something different – I think it’s good to shake up my diet every once in a while, try new foods, and get out of any ruts I might have sunk into with food  I did that this month

3.     And I’ve learned heaps, in the process, about nutrition. Cutting down on starch and sugar is definitely an eye opener when it comes to the nutritional content of foods we eat. Like, low-fat products having loads of sugar in them! Who knew?

4.     I discovered that breakfast – my favourite meal of the day – can be low-carb AND enjoyable. I’ve been tucking into some cracking egg muffins, and yoghurt bowls with blueberries and seeds mixed in… tasty stuff

5.     I’ve tried out a variety of new seafoods, some which I’d never had before (like mussels!), and in general I’ve learned loads of new ideas of platefuls of foods that are colourful, filling, and tasty – but don’t involve carbs

6.     I’ve been reminded that I don’t need to be stuffed in order to be well fed, I can feel full without needing to undo a button on my jeans, as is the case when you’re full of protein (no bloating!)

7.     It’s made me proud of myself for the number of days when I’ve gone to bed feeling like I’ve eaten well, turned down ‘bad’ foods, and treated my body like the temple IT IS

8.     I enjoy lots of low-carb foods anyway – eggs, avocados, fish, nuts, seeds, cheese, berries, yoghurt, wine – and that’s definitely helped me through. If you’re looking at that list of foods thinking hello no… then this may not be the diet for you (although – as an aside – if you eat meat then there will be loads of low-carb meals you can eat)

9.     I’ve become far more aware of my energy levels and mood, in relation to food. As you’re rarely hungry, so to speak, when eating low-carb – you learn to equate your need for food more with how you’re feeling. So, if you find yourself feeling low and wanting to crawl into bed, then it’s time to eat something. It will be interesting to see how different foods come to affect my mood and energy levels, as I re-introduce carbs

10.  Lastly, I just feel good. I’ve thrown myself into this detox from carbs, a month’s gone by, and I feel good for it! I feel less reliant on carbs for happiness and know I’ll be more appreciative of the carbs I eat going forwards.

Now, for February…

This next month, I’m aiming now to have one ‘carby’ meal a day, and to re-introduce mainly high fibre carbs to begin with (e.g. fruits, brown pasta, brown bread) so that my net carb intake is still low. This is the plan.

That is, after a few days of enjoying all the foods I’ve been missing out on. I plan to go crazy with it and am even baking a birthday cake this weekend! And roll on Pancake Day, readers, I don’t know about you but I’m going to be eating a LOT of pancakes on the 13th Feb.

Plus, I’m looking forward, in February, to getting back into running. It’s been a bit of an uphill struggle to keep it up over low-carb January, as I’ve found my heartbeat racing high on runs. Which can be scary. And, generally, I’ve been having to pause more often to take walks and my legs haven’t felt like they’ve had much power behind them.

I’ve been a bit shit and – as my running friends will attest – it’s made me a sulking misery on runs for basically all of January. But, hopefully, with some carbs in my belly in Feb, I’ll be back on it and enjoying getting out on good runs again. A return to form would definitely cheer me up – so bring it on!

Spotlight over to you…

How about you, readers? Reflecting on the last month – your first month of 2018 – how’s it been?? Did it turn out the way you imagined, did things go the way you hoped, or were there unexpected turns along the way? If you set yourself any personal challenges for the month – have you succeeded?

There’s no better time, I don’t think anyway, than the end of January to pause and take stock. Evaluate how the year’s begun for you. We’re one month in – are you off to a good start? What can you do to keep this going, or to ramp things up a notch? Life is what you make of it – seize the day, readers!

And carb safely,


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